

Damning the Culture :The Dams and the Rights to Livelihood

The present note is a brief analysis of the proposed Tipaimukh hydro-electric dam in the north east India in the context of the human rights and cultural implications. The note highlights the unique cultural and social consequences of the project for the affected population and their immediate environment. An attempt is also made to analyse the complex process of resettlements and indicate for a very cautious approach.

Man finds the meaning of his existence within the boundaries of his immediate environment. He is moulded by the cultural ethos of his ‘small’ world , draws his ethos and lifestyles from the unique artefacts and socifacts provided by his physical and social environment. His life revolves around the ‘primordial’ linkages he has with the place he has grown , his immediate kith and kin, his occupational and recreational interests and also the geographical and climatic contexts experienced by him. .............................

................................Let me conclude with the following words of former Justice V R Krishna Iyer:

“The developmental paradigm relevant to Third World countries cannot be a similar reflection of western projects and prescriptions. Growth of wealth is one component of development; a fair sharing of such assets by the marginalized human sector , by way of distributive justice is another component. Giant projects , welcomed by the proletariat, may alienate or annihilate the basic rights to life of the proletariat”

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