

10000 steps a day: Is it possible?

Someone told me this, the other day. One should aim at taking 10000 steps a day for complete fitness. Yes, I am talking about 10000 footsteps! How many steps do you take in a day? Have you thought of it? Of course, one can’t keep counting every footstep. But try to estimate how many steps you take in a day.

I started aiming at 10000 steps. Though I used to walk at least five days a week, either in the morning or in the evening or sometimes both times, I am sure I have never reached the 10000 target on any day. Now I try to change my strategies to increase my footsteps in a day. My count started with the morning walk.

(pic.courtsey: Tribune-India)

The walk in the residential colony is very refreshing.  People start walking from as early as 4 am and one can see people walking even at the late hours of the day, till midnight. Some walk very fast, some slowly, and some talk and walk. And I see some people dancing all the way. Many youth use this opportunity to have long intimate wireless chats with the distantly located counterparts. Some listen to their favourite music using earphones. Those senior citizens who do not believe in earphones put their radios in the pocket and listen to the devotionals in the mornings and Kishore Kumar in the evenings. It’s nice to see these lone walkers. However, there are several group walkers, who totally block the foot path without giving way to loners. They walk as a block sharing news, gossips and happenings in their respective familial and official front. They get involved so much in the discussion and literally block other walkers from overtaking them.

(pic.courtsey: mybaggagecounter.blogspot)

I started counting every step. And I gave double score for each step when I jogged. I could hardly reach 4000 steps in the morning. I rushed back home as I needed to finish my newspapers before readying for the office. I worried how I will finish another 6000 steps to reach my target for the day!

Back home, I thought I should get on to the treadmill. It was a recent addition to the highly dense environment in the house. I had miserably failed with just one vote in my favour (my vote) when the resolution regarding buying a treadmill was put to vote in the house. The same majority ruled that the most appropriate place to keep the treadmill is in my study (home-office) room. In fact, this is the destination for all the junk in the house from the decade old broken toys to a number of kitchen devices waiting for a skilled electrician. An FM Radio with speakers was placed near the treadmill. The fortnight was vibrant. But later, the only way to keep the tempo was to push the treadmill towards TV. That worked for a few days. Now, the treadmill has been comfortably positioned in the balcony to dry the clothes. As it was doing a good job there and serves as a good decoration, I didn’t want to disturb it.

But how to take another 6000 steps during the rest of the day? I decided not to use the lift (at least upto 5th floor) in any buildings where I go. That really worked. I gave double score for each step up. By evening, I reached a score of 5500. Still another 4500 steps left.

I did not take the extreme step of walking back home in the evening. But on the way I got out of the vehicle to make a quick visit to the Club Gym. After changing to the sportswear I got on to one of the treadmills after waiting for about 20 minutes for my turn. Inspired by the sincere aerobic enthusiasts all around, I ran for about 20 minutes. I gave a good score of 2500 to myself. I reached 8000!

Back home in the late evening I was too tired to get off for another walk. After hogging whatever was kept on the dining table, I started my usual yelling to the TV addicted children to vacate the sofa and vanish to their study room.

While relaxing on the sofa, I evaluated my 10000 steps project. Yes, I should have given a score of 4500 for 20 minutes of treadmill! Why not give it now? Done! I slept peacefully!!


  1. Inspired by this, I have pegged the quintessential 10000 steps as my 'kul milakar' target in a week :)

  2. Hmmm! You do better than me Sibi! I count every step I walk in my house as well and still do not reach anywhere close :)

    1. Suresh, it can't be an everyday affair! But let us make an attempt amidst our laid back routine!

  3. Interesting concept. Since I believe in the 10,000 hours concept of reaching success, your 10,000 steps sound pretty interesting. I guess one can slowly build it up to reach the 10,000 steps a day target.


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