Someone commented in the 1950s:
‘(When I think of India) I think of impoverished, ignorant fanatics, teeming masses, no education, bizarre religious practices……’
India and Indians travelled far
and wide in time and space. The biggest
critics of India now are Indians themselves. Some of the Indians who are fortunate to travel or stay abroad come back and shout: ‘What a wretched
country is this? What an inefficient government we have here? Poor
infrastructure, undeveloped villages, beggary, unemployment, and crowded roads!
No discipline whatsoever!’ But with which countries they are comparing? The
comparisons are always with less populated countries with huge natural
resources, historically prosperous and with a much earlier technological
Whether Indians recognize this or
not, whether others admit this or not, India is a miracle. India’s growth is
unique and without any parallel across the globe. It takes its steps up in the
ladder of development and prosperity with a huge population of 1210 million.
India can be compared only with itself, as there is no other country with such
complex characteristic features that are critical for growth. Just for the sake
of comparison, one could possibly compare it with China in terms of the
demography. While China has a population density of 143, India has a density of
382, almost triple that of China.
Anyone who looks down upon India should first appreciate its strengths.
Which large country in the world has grown so rapidly in the last
several decades? And this has been achieved in spite of numerous
historical, geographic, demographic, social, cultural, political and economic challenges.
The country was subjected to external aggression and subjugation of a large
number of rulers and powers for centuries. It had hundreds of little kingdoms
and rulers fighting each other, most of them with tacit support from foreign
empires. Its resources were plundered to alien countries and its cultural
heritage was partially destroyed. It had to face the bitterest partition. Which
country in the world was ransacked so extensively by rulers after rulers?
Which country in the world has faced a combination of challenges
related to various structural, cultural, social, and political heterogeneity?
- More than 1200 castes and much more sub-castes
- More than 700 tribes and much more sub-tribes
- About 10 religious communities
- 6 National political parties, about 60 State parties and more than 1100 unrecognized political parties
- More than 6, 00,000 villages, far and wide with diverse customs, traditions and conventions
- Linguistically divided states.
- People who communicate in 22 recognized languages and over 1600 mother tongues: the main language Hindi alone has about 50 different versions
- Substantial part of the population lives in rural areas and their subsistence is agriculture.
- About 25% of the population are designated as belonging to backward communities as per different schedules.
- People of the country have strong diverse primordial, religious, social, and regional loyalties.
- Added to the above complexities, India has been facing several deep rooted malaises emanated from sectarian, corrupt, crafty, and destabilizing forces that have origins in India and elsewhere.
In spite of all odds…
With all the above growth
retarding elements, India has emerged as a global leader. Before criticizing
the country as having poor score in corruption index and development index, one
should understand the strides it took in spite of all the challenges!
Start with the robust democracy
and the successful 15 general elections! With more than 1200 small and big
political parties and hundreds of communities at loggerheads, we never failed
to elect our leaders in the most transparent manner. No scope for coup,
dictatorship, anarchy, or fascism in this country. If we could remember the
last elections, parties canvassed about 714 million voters in the most peaceful
manner. About 417 million people walked to the ballot box to exercise their
votes without any fear or threat. Even when terrorists shot dead their national
leaders twice, the country never shook a bit. It regained its strength. All
parties rallied together for protecting the country and it continued to be a
unitary force.
From a country with less than 20%
literates before its independence, India has become a country with about 74%
literates in 2012. Only less than 7% who belong to the scheduled tribes in the
country were literates. Now the country created a record by making it around
48% in 2012. 80% of urban female population and 59% of rural female population
are literates. Very few countries with similar conditions have achieved such a
sharp rate of growth in literacy.
Country could provide banking
facilities to about 59% of the population, which is a rare achievement in a
large country like India. More than 63% of the population has access to their
own telephones/mobile phones. 116 million households have television. More than
23 million households have computers or laptops.
US National Academy of Sciences
(NAS) in its report entitled ‘Rising above the gathering storm’ used the word
storm to refer to India and China. It said these countries have become
challenges to US as the global leader in Science. Don’t forget the fact that it
was the Indian scientist J C Bose who demonstrated to the world as early as in
1895 that communication signals could be sent through electromagnetic waves, without
the use of wires. This unique invention done in Calcutta is the secret behind today’s
cell phone technology. Indian scientists are occupying important positions
globally now. Yes, the country has many scholars who have the potential to
become another C V Raman or Srinivasa Ramanujan.
World Bank Global Economic Prospect’s Report released on 15th January 2013, says that global
economy remains fragile as high income countries continue to suffer from
volatility and slow growth. But as per the above report, the prospects for the
developing countries like India remain solid. Growth in high income countries
remained weak with an estimated GDP growth of 1.3% in 2002, and it is expected
to remain there itself in 2013 also. But developing countries recorded a growth
of 5.1% and projected to expand by 5.5% in 2013 and 5.8% in 2014. The above
report says that the GDP growth is expected to grow to 7.3% in 2015 in India
(at factor cost), driven by policy reforms, stronger investment activity etc.
The report projects that India’s growth will remain relatively high by global
standards, and the country is likely to remain an attractive destination for
global investors looking for long term results.
A very optimistic reaction has
come from Kaushik Basu, the Chief Economist, World Bank that India will reach
8.5% to 9% growth in 2 years.
Statistics say that most of the advanced countries of US and Europe are the least safe countries (related to crimes) in the world. It is reported that India, though economically not very sound, is far safer as compared to several advanced countries.
Going to overtake China soon!
If the present growth continues,
India will definitely overtake China; not in terms of population, but in terms
of productive population and overall productivity. The advantage India has is the sizable population in the age group 0 to 14 now, whereas China’s huge chunk
is in the age group 40 to 59. Therefore it is predicted that India will have
comparatively more population in the productive age group in the coming decades
than China.
According the economist Douglas McWilliams, India will overtake China in less than 40 years. NationalIntelligence Council, a US Government entity in its Global Trends 2030 Report
predicts that China and India will overpower long reigning US and EU in the
coming decade. Bloomberg Business Week predicts that by 2020, India will have
the capacity to spend $22.5 trillion dollars on goods and services.
India's challenges
Population is an
asset: Need a proper HRM policy
Population is not a liability; it
is India’s greatest asset. With 65% of population in the productive age group
of 15 to 59, country needs to develop a proper human resources management
policy and device strategies for effective deployment of this precious
How long India will
take to make the ‘under privileged’ people, privileged?
Around 36% of the people of the
country are living below the poverty line. 52% of Scheduled tribes in rural
areas and 41.4% of Scheduled Tribes in urban areas live below poverty line.
Allowing liberal incentives and
tax holidays to all those who setup industries that promote employment and
boost growth in villages would be a good option. India can become a global
supplier of not only people but also various products. There are several
potential areas. For example India, a country with more than 90 crores mobile
subscriptions (second in the world) imports more than 80% of telecom related
equipment. It is necessary to develop domestic hubs for manufacturing.
Exclusive ministry
for welfare of Senior Citizens
We have about 9% of the
population who are senior citizens. Most of the senior citizens live with
various social, economic and health issues. The country needs to focus on their
welfare. India requires a full-fledged
ministry to plan and implement policies that make the life of senior citizens
Needs to deliberate
on taking certain tough decisions
Large scale expansion of
e-banking and making all transactions through banking channels are necessary.
Creating one more tax slab for the super-rich, taxing all religious, charitable
and educational entities with a minimum tax rate, taxing recipients of
agricultural income of more than a specified limit etc. are worth examining.
Instead of borrowing from global institutions and financial markets, corporates
with huge funds may consider funding major infrastructural projects of
government with lesser interest rates. Corporate Social Responsibility projects
should be implemented by large corporate houses at macro level where their
large contributions are visible and enduring. Country should make use of the
advances in information technology and competent human resources, and encourage
setting up of manpower-intensive outsourcing companies in the country for
entities in advanced countries through appropriate policy intervention. It
would be appropriate to optimize the number of employees by redeploying the
manpower of government departments and Public Sector Units to new projects or
by setting up platforms for entrepreneurship. It would be ideal, if the tenure
of future recruitments in the government is limited to contracts of 10, 15 and
20 years so that inefficient ones are eliminated. There can be more lateral
intakes so that efficient and competent persons will be always in demand.
This will bring in work ethics in government.
Credit for India’s
remarkable progress goes to….
An incisive analysis of the
trajectory India has taken to achieve radical transformation indicates that the
credit for the remarkable progress largely goes to the unique cultural and
social traits of this country. May be, we can call it the Indian mindset, which
constitutes both positives and negatives.
Here are those positive
dimensions of the Indian psyche:
An unlimited
spirit of inquiry, a fair degree of openness, tolerance without compromising on
the convictions, absence of uncontrolled greed, reverence to culture and
nature, priority for cooperation rather than competition, no undue regard for
materialistic success, and a culture that endorses modesty, strong kinship and
social ties, generosity, and spiritual quest. These traits and values are
indeed embedded in the legal foundations, institutional structures, and
collective conscience of the Indian society.
First, let all Indians take pride
in their great nation! Next, work to make it better!
Views are personal.
Click COMMENTS below to give your views.
It very well researched article. After hearing a lot of India bashing (especially after Delhi case), your words are music to my ears.
ReplyDeleteWe have unique tendency to get biased against anything immediately little realizing that India is not a separate identity, WE ARE INDIA.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Meenakshi. Delhi case really helped to evoke an appropriate response from all the stakeholders. By expressing our love and regard for our country, we in fact, dedicate ourselves to the nation and resolve ourselves to save our country from all criminal elements!
DeleteThere is a story of how a young start up company was refused funding by a venture capitalist for making indigenous modem (telecom hardware and manufactured) but other start ups making apps for iPhone are being readily funded. I cannot find the link for it, but the fact that India imports a lot of telecom hardware is going to negatively impact us in the long term.
ReplyDeleteYou can read about the story here - http://windia.blogspot.in/
-Mahadev Ittina
Thanks MD for the info. There should be concerted move from the entrepreneurs to convince the appropriate authorities about the merits of the proposals. Prospects are brighter!
DeleteTruly a great read especially on the eve of our Republic Day .
ReplyDeleteIndeed feel all the more proud to be an Indian !!!!
I very much liked your thoughts on "Population is not a liability; it is India’s greatest asset" and fully agree that our government should focus on how best to utilise this most important capital .
Yes Gudiya. People are the most precious capital and any step to train them for a meaningful livelihood is an investment.
DeleteI read somewhere today, 'If you are not happy to have been born in India, kindly chose the neighbouring country you would have preferred as your birthplace.' My answer is that I'm happy to be born in India than any of the other SAARC countries.
ReplyDeleteJk, that was an excellent quote! And greater answer from you!
DeleteI am Deepak i read your article I am proud of india i didn't understand some words so i asked my mom I am also proud to be a Indian
ReplyDeleteVery good post. As I had told you, I will read all the posts from your blog, don't be surprised if you get my comment on old posts :)
You have given well researched data and very simple to understand. Not going over head :) .
100% agree with you " India can be compared with itself".
-Ranjana Shankar
Hey Sibi,
ReplyDeleteYou have just won Liebster award. To know more go to the following page http://day-to-daystories.blogspot.in/2013/02/liebster-award.html :)
Very good article sir..
ReplyDelete(Pls read Being Indian by Pawan Verma)